Thursday, April 10, 2014

An Infertility Update

So once again, it has been weeks since I wrote.
I've been meaning to write this post for the past several days, but as most of you know, life is really busy right now. Mike got his VA ratings back at the beginning of March and we have been dealing with the house we are renting being in foreclosure. Luckily, we are moving back to Montana on Monday! So we had the packers here Tuesday and Wednesday, and I am currently sitting in an almost empty, but very clean house since the movers loaded our stuff into the truck this morning.
I know I wrote back in December about infertility, and since haven't given any updates. Well, that is because there really weren't any updates to give.
But now I am going to write to tell you what has developed since then.

At the very beginning of January, I had my first appointment. My doctor told me we were going to run some tests, and that I needed to get my blood drawn on cycle day 3. I was on like, cycle day 6, which meant I had to wait for a whole new cycle. We were also told that Mike needed a sperm analysis.
Then he told me that I needed to lose weight, according to my BMI. Because if all Mike's tests came back fine and all mine came back fine, then I would go to infertility. (If something came back abnormal, then they would work to treat that instead of sending me to infertility.) However, they wouldn't take me unless my BMI was below a certain number. Because if it wasn't, they were just going to assume I couldn't get pregnant because I was fat.

Now don't get me wrong, I know that extra weight can sometimes make it difficult to get pregnant. And I definitely know that I have weight to lose. About 45 pounds of it. However the fact that they would look at my BMI and only my BMI to establish that pissed me off.
If you do any research, it will take you minutes to see how outdated the BMI chart is. Even the creator of it said it SHOULD NOT BE USED to determine health of any sort.

So basically I walked out of there feeling so guilty for being overweight and praying that my hormones or thyroid or something came back abnormal, that way we would at least have something to look at and fix, because I need to lose 15 pounds minimum to be at the BMI the infertility doctors would want me to be.
The next week Mike went to get his semen analysis done. Eventually we got the results back (like, try a month later because his PA was at JRTC) and everything was good. More than good, actually. He has superhero sperm, basically.
Really, it didn't make me feel bad. I already knew the problem was me, call it woman's intuition.

Fast forward to the end of March, when I FINALLY got my next period, so that I could get my blood work done on cycle day 3.
Yeah, I know. My cycles are all over, anywhere from 17 days (full cycle, not period!) to 110 days. I never know what I will get.
Monday I had my appointment to go over the results. All my hormone levels are fine, and from a medical stand point, there isn't anything wrong. I call BS. We have been trying for 18 months, my cycles are all over the place, and according to my BBT (which I have been tracking for about 14 months) shows no indication of ovulation most cycles. But from a "medical stand point" there is nothing wrong.
This was my biggest fear. Trust me, I WANTED something to come back off. I wanted there to be something to fix. Because if there is nothing to fix, I have a lot less hope. Then it is just me. For no reason.

Our next steps are to get scans of my fallopian tubes and make sure there is no blockage, and I guess then go from there. Luckily, I will be able to choose a doctor in MT to pick up from here. I am just so sick and tired of these Army doctors.
BAM. Now you're all up to speed.

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